Month: July 2020

Computer Vision In Real Time

Computer Vision is one of the areas where Artificial Intelligence has made some significant improvements and impacts over the years. From self driving cars, to augmented reality, to visual assistance and even in automated visual security systems, CV has been quite impactful. The real benefit of computer vision can be leveraged when the vision processing…
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Radiographic Image Analysis

Over the years, AI and Machine Learning has been able to make tremendous impact particularly in the health care domain. Universities and organizations like Nvidia, Microsoft, Intel are working with Medical institutes and healthcare centers to provide open source medical datasets, including image datasets and working on creating AI driven automated solutions in the healthcare…
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Sales and Demand Forecast Analysis

Business Forecasting and analysis is one of the old industrial problems that has known to exist over a really long time. With the advancement in statistical and business analytical approaches, organization have known to seen a great improvement in the overall business forecasting process. With availability of large volume of curated data, data driven business…
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Artistic image generation using Neural Style Transfer

In this post, we will learn how to use deep learning to generate images (base image) in the style of another image (style image). This is known as neural style transfer! This is a technique outlined in Leon A. Gatys’ paper, A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style which is a great read, and you should…
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Reboot 2.0!

I had first started writing blog articles way back in 2017. But somehow I was not able to spend much time in writing blogs back then. But I realized, by publishing my work and learning in the form of blog articles actually helps me a lot in summarizing my thoughts. So, after a long pause…
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Time Series Tips and Tricks

In this series, I am going to share some tips and tricks when doing time series analysis. If you are someone familiar with R, I would recommend you to take a look at some of my R time series utility code snippets.